Thursday, March 6, 2014

Goin' at it!

Well here we are, now into March and the date for my Half Marathon figured out and quickly approaching...not only that but my "10k prep race" is in just three short weeks!!! Ummmmm where did that time go!? I am proud to say that I have been running... as in today, I went running.  I had NO IDEA that dates could creep up on you that quickly!!!! So here goes, tomorrow I will go running again, and hopefully be able to actually RUN half of it!!!! My goal I have decided (for my 10k at least) is to finish in less that an hour!!!  Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Starting 2014 out right

This amazing family of 6 (4 humans and 2 dogs) is chaotic, is adventurous, is LOUD, and is in love.  In love with each other, in love with fun, and in love with the OUTDOORS!!! One thing we have slacked on since moving down to the ever so coveted southern coast is to be outside.  I know, seems ironic right?! For some reason the "perfect weather" actually sometimes puts a damper on my mood.  I would KILL for some rain down here!! and I think I may actually cry is there was ever snow! Being a military wife, I have ABSOLUTELY no control over where we live! NONE.  
After 4 years of pouting, and making excuses on my "time off" to just stay inside, we are going to change that!  Given the last 4 years have been filled with amazing LIFE CHANGING events such as getting married to an amazing man, and giving birth to two amazing little boys, I am done with the excuses!! The boys are old enough, and we are able to head outside and see what this "perfect weather" really has to offer us! Of course I will still get indescribably happy and giddy when it rains or the one day, when pigs are actually flying over my second story, and it snows! But until then, or until the day we are able to choose where we move, me and my house full of men will make the most of the outdoors!!! Because this is our life, perfectly imperfect!